Unleashing the Inner Artist

Photographer: @freshhconnectionwww.freshconnection.com

Photographer: @freshhconnection


Labels create definitions, definitions create boundaries and inflexibility. Everything that the ‘artist’ is not but somehow even creation seems to seek to be summarised. I have always struggled with claiming my inner ‘artist’, believing that I was somehow not worthy of such a title, that because I didn’t flourish when drawing or painting that this meant that I could never be the one thing I most wanted.

The truth is that we are all artists with the capacity to live a life by design. We were made to create and in the midst of understanding this, anchor into the necessity so too for dismantling, for clearing, for making space. As we unravel the structures that have kept our creativity stifled, we come to see what stands between ourselves and our inner artist is simply conditioning. Deep, deep, corrosive conditioning that caused us to believe that living from the left side of the brain was our only choice. To be ‘successful’ by societi’s standards rather than ‘happy’ by our own. This discussion bleeds out to merge with many other changing aspects of our current paradigm.

It seems that the rise in divine feminine energy within the collective is giving ‘permission’ to women and men, far and wide to follow their creative calling. Humanity is beginning to awaken to the notion that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, beings of limitless potential. We come to see how the mind has kept us stuck in old cycles and patterns of lack, doubt and fear, but as we move into our heart-space, we come to embody the higher frequencies of joy, love and devotion.

The creation of our own unique art is a radical declaration and celebration of our individuality. It represents the unique fingerprint that we each have, the personalised soul plan that our Creator gave us. It means that we live our lives with a certainty of purpose, to believe in a power greater than ourselves and jubilate in the fact that we are simply instruments through which the divine creates. I believe that an artist is anyone who expresses their truth and it is through that truth that we become unified. I believe that the more personal and vulnerable we are in the creation of our art the more healing it is to our planet. I believe in art that is activism, that spreads a message that longs to be heard. Art that makes us feel, and beyond that, a wish to heal, rather than conceal. To breathe life into creations that spark a ripple, a movement, a conversation. May we share our stories with positive intention, and may we sow seeds of hope within the collective, which will soon enough come to bloom.

Where and how are you being called to create? I love the fact that we are able to be create art in our everyday lives from moment to moment. The creation of beauty prompts a vibrational shift in the quantum field, which creates significant changes. No matter how small the act of creating beauty with devotion may feel just know that it is making a difference to the vibration of planet earth right now. Perhaps being an artist really isn’t about being the next Picasso, but instead being a channel of light, of love and of joy. Creating a beautiful breakfast, setting the table with intention and whistling to your own tune. Perhaps being an artist in these times is not about having creations hung on a wall but instead about breaking down the barriers which keep us separate. Perhaps being an artist is simply about living in the heart.